
Hey guys, thank you to everyone who has been reading my story. I haven’t given up with it, I’ve just been through a lot of life changes for the last year or so. I’m sorry for making you all wait, I shall be updating within the next couple of weeks and I can’t wait for you to see where the story goes…thank you all for your continued patience! ❤️


@TrixieLestrange07 your story "A Queen Will Rise" is amazing and I can't wait for you to update the next chapter


Hey guys, thank you to everyone who has been reading my story. I haven’t given up with it, I’ve just been through a lot of life changes for the last year or so. I’m sorry for making you all wait, I shall be updating within the next couple of weeks and I can’t wait for you to see where the story goes…thank you all for your continued patience! ❤️


@TrixieLestrange07 your story "A Queen Will Rise" is amazing and I can't wait for you to update the next chapter


Well I missed the weekend....the hot weather has made it so more people more come to work which means we need more staff to keep up with everything. I have a couple of chapters written already, I just need to charge my laptop so I can upload it... the excuses continue but I will be back. Thank you for the support, it is always appreciated 


Sorry for the lack of anything regarding the story I am posting, work has been stressful lately and I'm still adjusting to all the life changes but I am hoping to be able to update over the weekend. Thank you for your continued patience 


@TrixieLestrange07 I won't leave this story unfinished, it's just work doesn't give me set days so I can't start a proper schedule but I'll keep you updated 


@TrixieLestrange07 you have no idea how happy this makes me. I have no problem with waiting, just please don't break my heart and abandon us, I really want to read to the end of the story and not be left wondering about how it would end.


Chapter 47 is being typed up and chapter 48 is almost completed in writing, it might take a few days as I've recently started work, so free time is scarce at the moment...thank you for your continued patience, if you haven't already please check out rise of a dark Lord by littlemissxanda on ao3 ❤️