Alrighty..this has been a very difficult decision for me personally, as, I've been doing this for as long as I can remember. However regarding my creepypasta fanfics I just cannot do them anymore. I've wanted so much to keep this going in general for fans of my first one, but I can't. I've chosen to detach from the fanfics and branch off into my own original works. I have so many ideas and so many great books I've been writing. While my original works aren't popular I much rather take this chance I'm giving myself to do something I personally want to do. I'll be keeping my original Creepypasta Boyfriend scenarios up, but I will be deleting everything else apart from original stories.
Again, I am so sorry to my fans, but I wanna grow as a writer. I hope you all are doing good, and I hope you all understand. Who knows what ideas I'll have in the future, maybe I'll get one for a fanfic, but for now I'm focusing on original works.