
Hi! I Just wanted to say that Im hopping and praying that some one will make a story about MinaSaku. I know its a wierd paring but I really do love them and I know there's  some readers or authors that love that ship too and we just have a small population. So im really praying, hopping and wishing that someone will notice my post and will really make a story for them. Thank you that I just wanted to say that! ^^


Hi! I Just wanted to say that Im hopping and praying that some one will make a story about MinaSaku. I know its a wierd paring but I really do love them and I know there's  some readers or authors that love that ship too and we just have a small population. So im really praying, hopping and wishing that someone will notice my post and will really make a story for them. Thank you that I just wanted to say that! ^^