
Hihey guys! Hope you all are having a great time this summer and if not well find a great story to read on here . 
          	And those who don't have summer right now I give a computer hug that you don't have this free time.
          	Anyways, I will mainly update my books during summer here in America so look out fo new chapters.
          	 Also, Three lives, One story will be updated the most like I just finished the next chapter and posted it so go ahead and read. I request 25 reads per chapter for an update but I will probably update for 10 maybe less.
          	Alright guys, love you all and goodnight in America and good morning if you aren't on our time schedule I guess.


Hihey guys! Hope you all are having a great time this summer and if not well find a great story to read on here . 
          And those who don't have summer right now I give a computer hug that you don't have this free time.
          Anyways, I will mainly update my books during summer here in America so look out fo new chapters.
           Also, Three lives, One story will be updated the most like I just finished the next chapter and posted it so go ahead and read. I request 25 reads per chapter for an update but I will probably update for 10 maybe less.
          Alright guys, love you all and goodnight in America and good morning if you aren't on our time schedule I guess.


Hey guys it is currently 10:34pm in Neverland  where I hide from horrid school tests and pychopathic relatives.  Wohoo! 
          I have recently started the Just Write It pledge so i am staying up til 2 am or til i fall asleep on my computer,phone, or tablet. Feel free to message me and be sure to read my new found story "The Great Prank War".
          hope you are all well. Always remember "Randomness is Awesomeness spelled differently."