
I can't find a single damn fantasy or werewolf book without all the cliche romance in it. Like I want NO Google eyes, no fireworks, nada. I just want action and adventure and all everyone knows how to write about is love after pain. That's it. Somebody help!


I can't find a single damn fantasy or werewolf book without all the cliche romance in it. Like I want NO Google eyes, no fireworks, nada. I just want action and adventure and all everyone knows how to write about is love after pain. That's it. Somebody help!


I'm looking for a book with action and adventure, which can include werewolves and vampires. However my BIGGEST concern is finding one without continuous Grammer errors. Lately that's all the books I can find and it's quite literally driving me insane. 


@Trouble_FearMe only one I've found that was a really decent series on here is the storm of storm of silence by Rob. Then the dragonwall series by addicted2dragons


Did you happen to find any? Lol