
@Multiphandom-girl Thank you so much! The username is pretty cool huh, i was amazed no one else had it already. Feedback means a lot, im really sorry for the lack of Trouble update- im just very self concious about it. I started the fic a year ago and truley feel i can do better so i kind of ditched it. Im very glad you like it- an update is in drafts but i dont feel happy enough with it to post yet- soon? Xx


Hayyy im Jaden and you seem nice so I want to be your friend. 
          omfg I'm making a horrible first impression
          ive ducked up already
          i forgot how to social help I've been reading to much gay fan fics
          -runs into wall-
          Wtf did I just write? I don't even know. I swear once you get to know me I'm not a huge dork! 
          okay i am but shh
          pls be my friend :-:


@Multiphandom-girl Thank you so much! The username is pretty cool huh, i was amazed no one else had it already. Feedback means a lot, im really sorry for the lack of Trouble update- im just very self concious about it. I started the fic a year ago and truley feel i can do better so i kind of ditched it. Im very glad you like it- an update is in drafts but i dont feel happy enough with it to post yet- soon? Xx


Okay so first off want to say your username is LIFE! Love it! Second your writing is really really good ^-^ I am in love with Trouble and I saw its been quite a while since it has been update but I really hope you continue it because its really good, also wanted to say a massive HELLO XD =D