
Hey guys. True Fangari here, and I have a...bit of an announcement. As of today, Itatsuki has decided to step down from writing, and so have Aru and Kazuya. They don't feel that this is where they fit in, and I'm deciding on closing this account. My apologies. Any questions, just ask.


Hey guys. True Fangari here, and I have a...bit of an announcement. As of today, Itatsuki has decided to step down from writing, and so have Aru and Kazuya. They don't feel that this is where they fit in, and I'm deciding on closing this account. My apologies. Any questions, just ask.


Sup guys, it's the true Fangari here. I know up till this point y'all haven't heard much from me, but I just like to apologize for the long wait. Wait's over, we're all four getting back to work on what matters to us, and that's our writings as well as our valued followers. Granted some of us have just been lazy, and unmotivated to do anything. >.> *glares at Itatsuki*
          "Eh, don't get salty at me. I'll knock your top off if you even try anything funny, prick."
          Whatever, but once again my apologies. Aru and Kazuya were both recently sick. Kazuya had the flu and then strep. Aru had pneumonia, but we're all good now, and we plan to get back to working on our separate series, and to all of our fandoms.
          "We have to thank you for your patience for our stories; it shows quite a bit. Anyways, Aru, Itatsuki, and I were wondering if you guys would like us to do a few x Readers. We'd granted do them for characters of our books, or even ourselves, or we can do open requests. We're happy to do that as well. We'd just like to know your thoughts."
          Side notes: Sadly, as of recent issues, Itatsuki is putting "Child Friendly" on a long hold to regain his creativity. In light of this both Kazuya and Aru are going to hold production and helping of "Fearing Fangs". Kazuya is holding productions of his stories in order to maybe help Itatsuki, but Aru is going to  continue his story, "Fears Overcome".
          Anyways, that's all for now. Thanks for everything, and being here for us in the long haul. We hope to see y'all and hope to possibly meet up with some of you in the near future? Anyways, see ya.~


"Hey guys, Itatsuki, Kazuya, and Aru here. We're gonna be doing a bit of a...well, we're going to be doing a story about ourselves, the Fangari clan, and what all came to be. If you have any suggestions, want to be in the book, or even wanna become a member of Fang Clan, his us up here on Wattpad, or hit Itatsuki up on Kik." ~Kazuya, Aru, and Itatsuki
          Kik: @TrueFangari


"Hey guys, Aru here. Just giving out a little notice to those of you who loved Itatsuki's first somewhat started series 'Fears Overcome', well I'm taking over on that series, and let me tell you. The way this is gonna play out will be relatively similar to how Itatsuki had it playing, but I'm gonna make a few changes such as no biography for the characters. Don't worry though you'll learn about them throughout the story in different arcs. Welp, that's my announcement. I hope you guys get hyped up for #FearsOvercome ."
          "Hey guys, Kazuya here. I'm just gonna tell ya that I'm thinking of a project idea as of this moment, and I know i discussed it once with my friend Fanficbi. They're an excellent writer you should go check out their profile, and while you're there say 'Hi' and read their stories. Anyways, I just thought I'd tell you guys not to worry because we will have stories coming up on this profile, and I promise we'll do better than the last time around. Get hyped up for the series I like to call 'Down The Broken Road'. Anyways, thanks for your time see ya guys."
          "Aight, my turn I guess. Just gonna tell you guys I ran into a slight misshab while working on 'Child Friendly'. I didn't think, and I possibly infringed on some copyright claims as to Corpse Party's Sachiko, though she will be removed from the story, all other characters shall remain as of now, considering there are no copyrights upon them except for my hope they're copyrighted. Either way, I'm working more into 'Child Friendly', and let me tell you now. Things are gonna get interesting, and this story is going to get long. Anyways, that's all from me. So, till we talk again..."
          "Later Fang Clan!" ~Itatsuki, Aru, Kazuya