Hi would you mind checking out my new Ashton Irwin fanfic on wattpad its called Eternity... And my user is @alelovesharry so go ahead and give feedback if you like it and ofcourse save it on you library;)
@gs_banks Awesome! :) I read a story that retells the Grimm Tales in a modern way, and it is really funny. :D I just can't remember the name though. :)
@gs_banks kind of, it's also because I value honesty, and I know that not everything is perfect. So True Grimm, and because I ADORE the Grimm Brothers' tales!! :)
Okay, just wanted to say that I love all of you guys! You are so wonderful that not many words can describe you besides AWESOME, COOLIO, and PHENOMENAL. Thanks a lot for all the fans.
True Grimm