
Ok, I swear I'll do an upspree. Im bored af and I really dont want to delete a story, soooo that means Imma have to update ALL of them. Hope you enjoy the fruits of my suffering!


Sup gooys and gallies (and everyone in between)? How have y'all been? A little wave to mah 'rents here, Sherlock0303 and Hiro010903os! 
          PS look im trying mah best to update ok i have trouble with inspiration now get off mah damn back pls- TvT


            Have fun honey!!!! And also, a lot of love to you from your parents!! Thank for understanding that I'm busy!!!!!


@Hiro010903os I've been fine, thank you 
            (0v0)♡ It's ok that you don't talk to me, I know you might be busy as well


            How've you been hun? So sorry, I've not been able to talk to you. But I sure as hell know that you'll do very well. @Sherlock0303  sends their love to you.  
            Stay safe and happy.
            Always here for you,


Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I can only update on Fridays and weekends, so sorry for taking literally FOREVER to add a chapter to both my books. My deepest apologies, darlings! Again, I can only update that often because school started. But I try, I swear! Lov ya gus for da support! ;D 


I. Have. A. Twitter Account! I never really used it before because it's not really as famous here in ky country as it is in other ones, so I'm just testing it out. I give shout-outs here and there, and if you can tell me your Twitter Profiles, I might even follow you! But you don't have to if you don't want to....


            My parents would never let me have any sort of social media- they're over-protective in my opinion... its great that you have a twitter account!
            Have fun!