I can´t even tell you guys how fúcking happy I´m right now
My premade story gets lately so many votes that I can´t even believe it
It means a lot to me because I have a hard time right now
So a big thank you to everyone who voted or left a comment
your bio is honestly me and also I'm like loving your covers and your aesthetic set up??? goals honestly and plus Germans unite haha! aber nicht die AfD Wähler, die können ruhig weg bleiben
Hey! I'm from germany but I just read your description so I know that you like the english language more than the german language xd. So I try to do this in english: I just wanted to say, that I love your covers! They're absolutely fantastic! I don't know how to describe it xd okay, this was all I wanted to say. I hope my english wasn't that horrible and that you could understand :D
I just scrolled through your cover edits and I absolutely adore them. I was wondering if you take requests?
I am most probably changing the name of 'MLAABBM' and thus, I need a new cover :)
@soumya_agrawal actually I don´t take any request because I did this once and well my cover did´nt turn out that good anymore when I tried to do how others wanted to have it but because I´m a huge fan of your story I could try to make one and tell you in a few days if I can create a cover that you can love or if I everything that I edit just looks like shit (which is definitely possible)
just pm me the details (mood, colors, any special things that you want on it, just everything you imagined how it should look) and I´ll see what I can do :)
@soumya_agrawal no need to thank me
I really like how your story is developing and how it got from the funny beginning to more serious problems and even some action
but still I´m happy that I made you happy :D
I can´t even tell you guys how fúcking happy I´m right now
My premade story gets lately so many votes that I can´t even believe it
It means a lot to me because I have a hard time right now
So a big thank you to everyone who voted or left a comment
Sorry, dass ich in letzter Zeit so selten und unregelmäßig update, sowohl bei Polar Opposites und bei meinem Coverbook, hab einfach viel im Kopf und viel zu tun, wegen Schule und so. Ich glaube ab Juni wird es wieder regelmäßiger oder spätestens Juli.
Hoffe ihr könnt das verstehen