
Thanks for 1K reads, everyone! It means a lot!


Hello, I simply want to express my appreciation to those of you who read my story. I never have been confident in allowing others to read my works, and your support helps me a lot. On a side note, if you find my story boring or dragging, do not feel like you have to read it! See y'all later :)


I just wanted to let you guys know that I will be going on vacation soon. I will be visiting family and going camping, and I choose not to use my phone/electronics that much during these events. So, it may be awhile before my next update. Don't give up on me though! I'll do what I can :)


It will be a while before I will have an update to Forwards or Backwards. Since I am hoping to make it a full-length book, my chapters will be very lengthy. This summer, however, I will do my best to keep from making you wait too long for a update! I like to take my time, just warning you. Many thanks to all who have read, commented on, or voted for my story so far!
          Regards, TrulyTexan ;)