
Every breath you take
          	Every move you make
          	Every bond you break
          	Every step you take
          	...I'll be watching you


@Dejanyah <3 just taking full advantage of this new update XD 
          	  Gotta love creeping people out 


Hey i dont know if you remember me but if you do heyyyy alondraa1x here, so recently again i have rewrote surviving my step brothers and it would mean the world to me if you checked it out honestly i feel the book and i, myself have matured drastically over the year and i am just in love with my writing style more than ever now. So no you dont have to check it out but i promise you, you will not regret it if you did cause god knows how many times i have rewrote this book to prefect it. So i hope you take it into consideration but if you dont its okay thanks for a least reading my message❤by the way long time no see!


Every breath you take
          Every move you make
          Every bond you break
          Every step you take
          ...I'll be watching you


@Dejanyah <3 just taking full advantage of this new update XD 
            Gotta love creeping people out 


Hi! I'm just curious why you referred yourselves as Trump Supporters. (I read your message board. Your message board is so much fun!)


@RDCASTILLO22 Hahahah thanks! We really appreciate that! I’ll do the same with your book when I’m free.


Nahhh. Don't worry about me. I find what happened really entertaining how you came up with the name of this account. I'll read your book and if I am free, I might give comments, too.


This is it everybody! The big finale of Midweek Murder is up! We managed to post it with just a few minutes left until midnight, but we posted it on the 13th May just like we said we would!
          It’s been an amazing year writing our first book and meeting other amazing authors and we’re sad to see something that has been a part of our life for so long end. 
          But all good things must come to an end. So go check out the final chapter where everything will be revealed!


Your about info tickles me. So funny!


@rhythmchyc I definitely will! It looks great! 


Ooh! And thanks for adding my book PERCHANCE TO DREAM to your reading list. Enjoy!


Thanks! Glad we made someone laugh  