
Hello Everyone, 
          	Happy New Year…..I am sorry I’ve been away this is the busiest time for me at work and it’s been crazy this year. I promise I am working on getting chapters out. Sorry for keeping y’all waiting. New Year, new me…chat with y’all later. 


@TrustIssuesImplied happy new year! Don't apologise! Your work is amazing and we're all excited for when you do publish. But take your time and make sure you put yourself first! 


Hello Everyone, 
          Happy New Year…..I am sorry I’ve been away this is the busiest time for me at work and it’s been crazy this year. I promise I am working on getting chapters out. Sorry for keeping y’all waiting. New Year, new me…chat with y’all later. 


@TrustIssuesImplied happy new year! Don't apologise! Your work is amazing and we're all excited for when you do publish. But take your time and make sure you put yourself first! 


Hello everyone, 
          First off I want to say a huge thank you for everyone that stayed with me and are enjoying the books. I also want to say a huge thank you each and every one of you who have read the first book and got me to 100k reads. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever get to this milestone. When I first started that book I was just happy getting a few to read it now there are thousands of you whom have. Even though that book is coming to an end it will always have a special place in my heart. 
          To see my other book as well being loved by all of you I can’t wait to write more and come up with some new books in the future. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I can’t wait to see where our adventures take us. 


Are u gonna continue love in training


@TrustIssuesImplied thats fine I was just wondering take your time because I was thinking of starting it


@nikkimaximoff yes I am so sorry I haven’t posted I’ve been swamped with work, a bit of writers block I’m hoping to get a chapter out this week and back to writing. 


Hey everyone, 
          Just wanted to quickly jump on here, work is finally calming down and I am getting back to my regular work schedule. I am hoping to write some chapters this weekend and get them out next week. So sorry my week break turned into more like a month but thank you all for being so patient. 
          Love you all besties, 


Hello everyone, 
          I just wanted to jump on here and let y’all know that I need to take a small break just a week work has been a little crazy and I haven’t found any time to write and rather than try and rush something out I want to slowly work on it. I am hopeful for a chapter for each book late next week. 
          Much love, 


@TrustIssuesImplied take all the time you need. You books are amazing and we'll all be here ready to read them when you're back! 


@TrustIssuesImplied that’s ok take all the time you need have a nice break :)