
I wonder if anime high school's genre is  either Drama or Action......


I am writing to express my genuine admiration for your exceptional writing talent, as showcased in your captivating story your work has truly resonated with me, and I would be delighted to discuss it further with you while your book has undoubtedly impressed me, I believe it deserves even greater recognition and a broader readership I would be honored to share some strategic insights on how to increase your book's visibility, boost sales, and connect with enthusiastic readers who would deeply appreciate your work if you interested kindly message me on discord , jillclerk




Thank you for reading.. you kinda flattered me.. its a bit embarassing to hear this first time praising about my books but thank u again..


Secret Genius 1&2 are great!


I did it! Posting all chapters in a week is very challenging, indeed! If you don't know, why don't you read the SECRET GENIUS BOOK in my channel... It's kind of complicated and a bit anime style... Still being a beginner fella and hope you like it..


Woohoo! 4 days left until it's Halloween... I wonder if children wearing spooky costume will wear mask in real world pandemic...  Do you think that, fellow readers?!
          Also, my book, SECRET GENIUS, has also updated... If you're interested, feel free to read... I don't mind that.. the link is here: