
/ should I make my next aesthetic a soft aesthetic ?


          	  / eee , soft Tord—


the nymph giggled, climbing down the tree. she'd seen the boy walking through the trees, and she thought he was cute. "hellooo?~" she singsonged, climbing down. "wh-what're you doing s-s-so deep in the forest?" she questioned, circling him. "we d-don't- we don't get pretty humans like y-you down here a lot." yeah, but they had a lot of pretty nymphs, including her. blue flowers weaved in her hair, a flowy dress, short, choppy hair.


[ @TrxggerHxppy ]
            "it's n-no- no problem human! where are you from?" she questioned, looking him up and down. she couldn't tell by the looks of him. no distinct features.. except for the hair and eyes. they were both pretty, but didn't tell her nationality. she adjusted the crown of morning glories, tapping her lip as she tried to figure it out. "hm.. you're tough, human." she hadn't even bothered to ask his name. it probably just slipped her mind, but it was still weird.


            Wow , he almost felt dizzy from trying to keep track of the nymph with his eyes luckily she stopped moving and stood in front of him . Tord blinked for a moment hearing those words but he didn’t really seem to care that much , “ exotic ?— I wouldn’t say that exactly but er thank you ? ” Never did he think he would hear the word ‘exotic’ be used like that , the Norwegian didn’t expect a flower being put into his hair although he didn’t seem to mind ... somehow she was still just somehow pretty which he couldn’t exactly comprehend ... maybe this was love he didn’t know .


[ @TrxggerHxppy ]
            the nymph giggled a little bit at his accent, stopping her circling, standing in front of him. "ooh, you're one of the exotic ones!!" she said excitedly. she obviously didn't have much experience with humans. "pretty and exotic. i like you," she smiled at him, plucking a flower out of her hair and putting it in his. she always got attached to any humans that came across, though they all left eventually.


          “ You do ? , well . . It’s pretty cute when you blush ” He awkwardly let out a laugh , this could be then confessing their feelings or maybe they would eventually although it seemed these two were pretty in love even if they weren’t even together . The Norwegian felt like Daniel already snatched his heart or something like that , guess they sorta did in a way though nobody has ever done that before .


          In all honesty he couldn’t believe what was happening just now , the Norwegian didn’t think something like this would ever happen in a million years . Once Daniel was closer to his ear , Tord honestly didn’t expect that either especially from the other male . “ It’s not cute— I find it more embarrassing than anything ” He mumbled as his gaze looked somewhere else mostly because of how red his face still was .


          It almost seemed like many hours went buy although the Norwegian continued to wait for Daniel not caring how long it took as his focus was set on the floor as time went by . Eventually once the other male returned , he didn’t expect them to actually sit on his lap which caused Tord’s face to rise with heat slightly although he wasn’t super flustered it mostly just caught him off guard .. hopefully his face didn’t become even more red than it already was earlier but wow this somehow felt like it was just meant to be or something .


          Wow that was awkward , Tord looked at the other male as they eventually got up from the couch it seemed they probably needed to go to the bathroom anyways so that was fine . The Norwegian just continued to sit there and was fine with waiting until Daniel came back .


          Quickly his silver hues were plastered upon the other male when they finally lowered the blanket a little bit , this type of feeling was quite strange since Tord had never felt this before until now and maybe this strange feeling was actually love cause his face never usually gets flushed around anyone except Daniel’s sock of course but the Norwegian had never been in any sort of real love before so this was new .


          “ Pff— you’re a dork too ” He chuckled , how did he never notice how adorable the other male is sooner ? Eventually he moved closer and sat right next to Daniel without a second thought . The Norwegian’s face was probably still slightly red although he didn’t seem to really care about that anymore as his heart started beating faster for a moment or so .


          There’s a chance he actually meant those words which he of course did although usually friends don’t fall in love with each other unless it was some kind of cheesy movie or something . The Norwegian definitely was sorta blushing now since his face felt sorta red right now which was probably quite obvious as he looked over to see Daniel peaking from underneath the blanket but he tried looking like he didn’t notice ..this was cheesy wasn’t it ?


          Tord swallowed thickly , keeping his gaze on the floor as he wondered if he should continue singing or not maybe the other male liked listening to it and maybe this was a sign that the Norwegian might like them too since usually he never does these things so maybe Daniel was somehow special in a way . “ I can’t help falling in love with you ” He slightly mumble out , was he actually blushing slightly ? he couldn’t tell hopefully not .