Y'all, I'm so upset, I don't even know how to handle myself.
I wanna throw something against a wall. I wanna cry. I wanna smile. I wanna laugh. I wanna let my heart understand it, accept it, move on.
For those of you that might think there's actually something wrong right now, there kinda is, kinda isn't. I'm talking about my show. My show that's ending in two weeks, and the show in which a huge thing was revealed last episode.
So, yeah, I'm real upset. And I don't even know how to describe it because I know it's just a show, and know what you all think: none of it is even real.
But what can I say? I'm a writer. I get invested, dragged, into stories without a promise of escape, and sometimes I dive too deep. I'm a fairly emotional person, and so when these character who aren't even real become real to me, it's hard to live without them.
It might sound stupid, but it's just the truth. I love the plot, the story, the characters. I love the emotion and the way it's written. And I love that I love it. But it's breaking my heart, because I can't stop thinking about the thing that just happened.
It's just a show to some people. And a lot of people would make the of me for feeling the way I do. But these characters were there for me in a time when I thought no one else was. They understood me, and I felt like I could escape when I was watching them live their lives the best hey could.
So, hey, let me know if you're heart has ever been broken by somethin most people would consider "stupid". Or, just feel free to talk to me whenever.
Anyway, that's enough of my angst being posted for no one to see. I just like talking to myself. I like writing, even when it's for no one.
So, until next time my ghosts. Love y'all.