
Uh...hi. I'm alive i guess. Idk what else to say 


If you are curious about which books I'm working on are on hold or not, I updated my description. Currently Sunless is the only one on hold, but check back in case that changes.
          I didnt even think people still read Puppet but the views are going up and people are still commenting, which was a massive shock to me. 
          I hope you guys are also enjoying bury a friend and Everything at Once. 
          My writing schedule is to be determined since most of my free time since having my daughter is dedicated to sleeping or eating. So keep an eye out for new chapters every couple of days.
          As always, thank you for following me and enduring my writing!


Sorry for disappearing, my life got a bit crazy. Recently had a baby. I'll try to find time to update (finally) in my spare time, so keep an eye out! 


@TsundereAnti woah that’s crazy!! Both the time pass and the baby. Hope it’s going well over there compared to here. Always open to chat if you’re still up to it


i need ideas...


Aw, thanks! I can’t wait to see how your stories turn out :) @TsundereAnti


@MrDuckers that would be a great idea! I'll give full credit if I decide to use your idea


For sunless, I was thinking Natalie goes and finds the main character. M can’t go far because her blood sugar is low, and is near collation when N finds her. I think after they recover maybe an arguement breaks out about whether they should stay together to survive and find other people. @TsundereAnti


hey, i just finished puppet, it was insanely good, i’m about to go and read the rest of your books. you’re an incredible writer, i feel like i’m with the characters. when dark left his messages, i locked my door. you deserve all the recognition in the world because you’re incredible!! -rylan❤️


@TsundereAnti sunless is amazing, i’m very excited to see whet it goes. bury a friend is probably my favorite book of yours. the characters are real, like i feel as though i know them. you’re an amazing writer, you’ve done so well with these, keep it up!


@homotrainwreck I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!! That means so much to me! I hope you enjoy the rest of them! Let me know when you finish them, I cant wait to hear your feedback!!