Hello to all buddies out there, i know everyone is having a hard time , but I don’t know if i can help even i feel the pain too, i want to encourage you , i just want to say you are great , you did well it’s really fine..., but i just want to say even there’s no GFRIEND always remember there are , Kim Sojung, Jung Yerin, Jung Eunbi, Choi Yuna, Hwang Eunbi, and Kim Yewon in our hearts , and last , please continue to write a stories , let’s continue, it’s okay if it takes too long i know everyone need to recovered first, let’s trust the girls no matter what, love y’all , sending virtual hugs

@TtinYen_30 "Gfriend has ended, but it's not us" -Sowon So let's support and cheer them up instead. We might feel melancholy, so as to our girls. So keep your chin up!!! To Sowon, Yerin, Eunha, Yuju, Sinb, and Umji. We trust!