
Please ignore my earlier stories, I only want to continue with "There's a blue light" honestly, I was 13 when I wrote them and they are so awful. I'm four years older now and taking college English so hopefully they're a lot better... just don't waste your time on anything other then the newest one... I don't know how to delete stories to be honest. 


Se puoi dai un'occhiata al mio nuovo libro "Filius Dei".
          Cambio genere e mi butto su un qualcosa che è una via di mezzo tra fantasy, fantascienza e storia. Ho scritto solo un capitolo per adesso, ma mi farebbe piacere sapere cosa ne pensi.
          Se non hai mai letto l'altro libro che sto portando avanti "Storia di una Cristiana" dai un'occhiata anche a quello e fammi sapere.
          Grazie e a buon rendere


I read mistress of despair, I liked it... can you read my  rough draft of "there's a blue light" and tell me what you think? Any advice would help and I see you're a writer. I know what I want to do with the story plot wise, but any help would be greatly appreciated even though it's just started 


Please ignore my earlier stories, I only want to continue with "There's a blue light" honestly, I was 13 when I wrote them and they are so awful. I'm four years older now and taking college English so hopefully they're a lot better... just don't waste your time on anything other then the newest one... I don't know how to delete stories to be honest.