
          	One hundred and two reads! I am honestly bouncing off the walls! You people are the greatest and there are no words to express how grateful I am.


Oh my goodness.
          I can't believe a mere five days ago I had Chapter Two of Unwavering Hope out and loving all seven readers- but I'm so proud of where we've gone; forty eight readers and seven votes! I love you guys so much, thank you for your support!


Hello! I'm really excited to share my ideas here, and hopefully I'll eventually get to the point where my works are entertaining and enjoyable to others. Despite what I said in my Authors note in Tyranny, I think I will just write away and not care about how popular it is- after all, I just want to improve my writing.
          Also, Tyranny was inspired by my friend's History Writing Prompt. XD 'Write about one's journey in escaping a deadly force during a war.'  
          This is my life. :)