Dear Everyone,
Hello there! Long time no see! How has everyone been? Okay I'm going to cut to the chase, I'm a legit straight up lazy liar. I have not been updating AT ALL. I said I would, I said the updates would be every week and dear Lord I am so sorry. I'm a terrible person. But I'm not just here to ask for your forgiveness, I'm here to tell you stuff. I've decided to keep my stories up and update them when I mentally can. As cringey as they are and as much as the world based around my stories have changed I'll keep them up. Do you agree with that? Don't be shy, talk to me! Speak up, tell me your opinion. I'm open to all comments. Tell me if I should keep my stories updating, hell, tell me if your even reading this. Hit me up with a comment saying "Read at 12:45". Thank you everyone that stayed around for this long!!