Sick of trying to be somebody's friend and all they do make you realize they're not the same person. That they used to be and maybe none of us stay the same but we dont all out rite do stuff and say stuff to hurt other people it makes me think really bad of them specially when it's their parents. Especially when the parents have been through hell for them. Maybe time for me just cut ties with them. Guess we all change maybe I just miss the person that you used to be cuz you're not that person anymore. that person was such a nice person wouldn't say stuff to hurt other people's feelings especially these families cuz he knew how much theybcared about him,his brother and his sister. not this new person. He doesn't care about anybody but a but himself and we call it selfish it's time for you to grow up cuz one of these days you'll be by yourself and your going need somebody. And the once you going need the must,aint goin be there. Cause you wouldnt shitin on them. Then you're really going to be yourself. And saying, Sorry won't cut it for you this time. people finally get tired of trying and taking bullcrap they'll finally give up and walk away. An maybe thats the best thing for them to do. And just worry about the other two. I want my old friend back,I want Isaac. Till then I don't think I'm can be your friend anymore. So goodbye.