Hey my readers and fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm back on Wattpad! My name used to be skittlemonster, then I changed it to I-M-WHO-I-M, then now it's GotEmMovesLikeJagger. Sorry if it confused anyone! I know some of you are just like who's this girl again? Did I even fan her? Again, I haven't been on Wattpad for months! I was very busy with school and vacay, but now I will probably upload something new every two days. Or everyday if my lovely fans vote for me!!!!!! Well I just posted a new story called The Thin Line Between Love And Hate. I think it's my best story so far! If you liked the other two, you will LOVE this one. It's a comedy and a romance story. I deleted my other two stories so I can put all of my efforts on this story to make it the best for you all!! Love yahs lots!!!!!! ~Paige