I haven't posted anything for a while and I'm sorry for that, my life has been hectic. But with the vote and election(for the US) I feel I should add my thoughts. I do have my own feelings and concerns and whatnot obviously but for those of you who are in the US and are having arguments and whatever, as much as I don't like the results, I'd say, what's done is done and it's going to happen so don't lose friendships over it(which has happened) and this is our government system so no matter what we have to deal with it. That's about it so... Ya, like I said, as much as I have my own thought, I don't want to just say this is right and this is wrong because everyone has their own opinion and done unfollow someone or lose friendships because politics. That's just stupid. That's all, I'll hopefully post soon. Until next time...
-Turtlekier42 signing out