
Also, I just realized how many followers I have. I feel like I shouldn't have 270 followers but you know, I kinda do. I don't deserve all of you. I'm such a bad writer. After writing this I feel super sad and upset. 


Hi. How are you at 11 o'clock at night, where I live anyway. I just wanted to ask all of you that if you have not read my book, The Boy Next Door, I promise it gets better. It may still be being born in my head but... I have an announcement. If you ask nicely, that means asking with a please and thank you, I can make you as a character in a book. You could be a best friend or a word that is used by many teens now a-days and it rhymes with itch. Just ask me, but not during school or I might get in trouble. You can even be a main character. Now, thank you for your time.


Omg Thanks for over 200 follows! If there is anyone who followed me and I haven't followed you back please comment so I can follow you my lovely followers!! I'm also thinking of making a new book. Comment ideas and yours, yes yours, might be chosen! GOOD LUCK!!!


Thank you everyone who followed me and your welcome for following you. Now quit spamming me. Every five minutes my phone goes off telling me that "So in so has followed you" or "So in so has written on your wall" So to any future followers. Thank you and your welcome.