
Trap trap trap!!! Nothing wrong with being a trap Lol ; ) UwU


"Hey,Tweek?I have to ask you something...What do you even see in my idiot of a cousin,Craig?"
          //Hey,hey.Even though I already have a Tweek on my bio,can I add you as Tweek to mine?Also,add me to your bio despite you not having Red on your bio?


@Tweek-The-Gr8 "You don't know what,Tweek~"She giggles."Aww!Are you blushing right now,Tweek?I am so taking a picture for Craig..."Red takes a photo of Tweek."And sent!"
            //Same...But it's so difficult with my anxiety...Also,don't crie.It's just joke.


@Red-The-Gr8 "You don't bite HARD!!!!" He screamed grabbing his hair but soon calming down since it wasn't a big deal "I do know how to control Craig, he's very sweet when he's calm and I always make sure he gets enough sleep or he's grumpy." He giggled pushing his hair inbetween his ears to look at Red, though he was well aware of his face blushing 
            //It's okay uwu. I understand, I used to be like that, well still am but I try my best to talk and SORRY :,( I DIDN'T MEAN CALLING CRAIG THE BEST LOOKING ONE :D lmao


@Tweek-The-Gr8 "I'm aware."She laughs."But seriously,you shouldn't be sacred of me.I don't bite.Hard~"She giggles."Nice.You sure know how to control that dweeb.And of course,you find his geekyness cute...Blegh."
            //It's okie!Had a hard time making the reply but I still did my best.First of,how dare you find Craig the cutest.Blasphemy! >:0 And I can't help but be shy,dude.It's who I am... uwu