
@izzymylze I can't wait for your return! I loved your story so much and I can't wait to read and find out what happens. Your characters had some crazy chemistry sparking off the pages so don't keep us waiting too long! :)


I'm so excited for Drain Me! Gah love that book and congratulations. I know you have a lot on your plate with publishing but I was wondering what're your plans for Tempered in Shadows. You were updating consistently and then stopped so are you putting it on hold for a while? It was getting so amazing and I've been missing it so I thought I'd ask! 


Hiya! I'm a crazy huge fan of your work, you're a very talented writer! So I have a question, what's been going on with Forces of Nature? I know a long while back you said you'd start it after RoS but then I heard nothing? Are you putting it on hold again? Or have you lost interest in the story? Just wanted to know because it's the first story of yours that I started reading and instantly fell in love with it. Hope all is well and can't wait to hear what'll be happening with FoN!


It's been exactly a whole year since you've last updated :( I hope everything is okay and that you're not discouraged by a few haters in the world. You have more fans who adore and love you let work and if you have time could you please write a short message to let us know if you're okay and will be continuing writing? It doesn't have to be anytime soon but it'd be nice to hear something. Hope all is well.