I am having the hardest time writing these villains. I’ve never made on OC that’s a villain, and in this story, there’s about three main villains and about 100 other villains (they are not stormtroopers; stormtroopers are not in this story, but these characters have very little plot.)
Anyway, tomorrow I see Black Panther for the very first time! I’m excited. I heard it’s really good! I’m going with my older sister and my mom. So that’s nice!
Also, does anyone have any tips on drawing hands and hair? I can draw faces and stuff, but I can not draw hands or hair at all. It’s really angering me lately.
Rants over. I am so sorry I haven’t been updating. Y’all can expect a chapter within the next few days, let’s hope it doesn’t turn into weeks.
I have to get back to watching National Treasure 2 and playing Sims Freeplay.