this message may be offensive
@oOMARSOo Hey there! Now I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but sometimes asking an author to update can seriously damage your chance of getting an update. It's pretty a pretty stressful thing to be asked to update. Authors have lives outside of writing so maybe they are dealing with other things or don't have time. Trust me, as a writer, seeing comments like that can kill my motivation to write. But all is not lost. A nice alternative is simply to tell them how much you love their stories and perhaps comment on your favorite parts. This is far more encouraging, and you'll have a better chance of seeing updates.

@oOMARSOo I'm sorry I offended you. I didn't mean to. Just wanted to let you know.

@TwiceTheCharm @oOMARSOo Hello I am here. This is based off of a bigger conversation and a friend just looking out for me. No offense was meant, oOMARSOo. TwiceTheCharm is a really good personal friend of mine, and she has seen and knows personally how stressed and anxious I get when people ask me to upload, and she was defending me thusly. No harm was meant in this at all. Also, I've given her permission to help ease some of the potential comments off of me, as my friend, so, while it seems initially out of nowhere, she is just a friend looking out for my interests.