
this message may be offensive
Also a big thanks to anyone who reads my books!  And an extra thanks to the people who have put my book in your reading lists, I feel honored!! And I am absolutely grateful for you guys! 
          	(if your wondering why this is being posted at 2:42 am it's because my sleep schedule is complete shit...but hey I'll sacrifice some sleep for Amazing anime any day of the week!) 


this message may be offensive
Also a big thanks to anyone who reads my books!  And an extra thanks to the people who have put my book in your reading lists, I feel honored!! And I am absolutely grateful for you guys! 
          (if your wondering why this is being posted at 2:42 am it's because my sleep schedule is complete shit...but hey I'll sacrifice some sleep for Amazing anime any day of the week!) 


Hello there my fellow nerds!  I have an announcement!
          Thanks to @bonbonfan2017 I have learned that I love to rp! So thank you so much I just love you! You guys should go check out their stories because there absolutely amazing and totally creative! 
          Also since I've taken a new liking to rp if anybody wants to I'm down! 


awww, thank you so much!


Can someone please tell me names of more Hentai(yaoi,yuri)other than Tom tord..... I love them I really do but....ive seem to run out of Tom tord stories 
          .....and I honestly want something new to read so....PLEASE let me know.


Uhh idk man maybe phan? That fandom is kinda scary tho 