
@dino60rawr  Lol I wish


Hey Guys,
          So....I haven't uploaded in months... I am sooo sorry :(
          Seriously you have no idea.  I just don't think I can write anymore of HWSIS unless I add something extreamly dramatic in....
          But, I have a bit of a surprise for the fans I have left....
          If you want to see who I really am, here is my personal twitter page I just created :)
          Please come and follow me! :D


So sorry I have been AWOL for a little over a month.  I have been having extreme writer’s block and have been busy. Woah, that sounds lame.....
          Anyways, I have two new projects in the works while I am trying to write HWSIS.  Do any of u guys really care, probably not.
          Anyways, the two new projects are....
          Twilight's Scary Stories
          Twilight’s Scary Stories are basically horror/thriller stories that will be a different story every chapter.  I want to do these because I think I can whip out at least two per week, so you will have something to read while waiting for HWSIS and Clueless.
          Clueless will be a short story (About the length of Late Summer Rain.) 
          I will post an outline later but I have to go leave this period now!


Alrighty guys, 
          Sorry to bother you but, I am really confused....
          Hidden While Still In Sight has 166 reads now!  THANK YOU!! 
          The views go up everyday but nobody is commenting or anything?  Do you not like it?  Is it boring now?  What's going on guys?? :(
          Sorry for my little rant, I'm just really confused on why the reads go up and nobody comments, votes, or fans?  Please comment and help me understand :(
          P.S LOOOOVE You all ^-^