I figured I should make an announcement about this, as the situation doesn’t really leave room for neutrality. I do not condone the actions Jordan and Isaac have done. I wholeheartedly support Bethany and Cierra and hope that they’re doing well and unlearning all the bad things they were taught growing up. What does this mean for me moving forward? Well, VenturianTale has always had a special place in me heart. I loved it when I was younger, I still love it today. However, I can no longer bring myself to watch the channel as of now and will not be supporting any of the brothers going forward. I’ll still be active in the fandom (e.g. drawing fan art, writing fan fiction), but please note that I will not be watching the channel anymore. I’m waiting for Jordan or Isaac to make a statement on the matter before dropping them completely (everyone has the room to change and become a better person), but who knows if they’ll even address it. To anyone else who has gone through similar situations that the Frye sisters did, I hope that you’ve gotten out of that toxic environment and are doing better. Take care.