
Help me I'm watching a movie with my mom and brother and there's this really pretty girl and HELP ME I'M GAY PANICKING


I have quite literally woken up at three in the morning on every weekday for the past month to do my homework. I sleep at nine or ten, so that's five to six hours, hypothetically. In actuality, it's more like two-and-a-half because it takes me forever to fall asleep, and it's a struggle to stay asleep.
          Seventh grade sucks.


this message may be offensive
Well, I'm officially out in school. I mean, I've been wearing a pride bracelet with the lesbian flag colors on it (it was a struggle to find three shades of orange and pink) for the past couple of months, so it's not like it's a secret, but this is the first time I've actually told someone. My friend pointed to the bulletin board and asked me if I identified with any of the flags, and I matched up my bracelet with one.
          Thankfully, she didn't assume I had a crush on her (she's straight), and I made it clear that I had no desire to f**k anyone at all, not yet. Too young. She did ask if I liked someone, and I said yes. She asked if it was like or love, and I said I'm not sure. It's probably some kind of love at this point (it's terrifying).




            Lesbians and gays can be homosexual but my pan ass is just like ‘uhhhhh I like EVERYONE’.


I have literally never been this sick. It started yesterday morning, and I've got a fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, dizziness, exhaustion, and headache. AND I just took a Chemistry test and I felt like I was going to throw up everything I ate. And then, I opened my lunchbox, and my dad gave me soup. Warm broccoli cheddar soup, my favorite.
          So I'm eating it slowly, and it's helping my throat and I'm not throwing up. Hats off to my dad.


@Twilight_In_Forks Yay for your dad making that! Sorry about being sick though, I hate having to take tests when I’m sick.


Happy LGBTQ+ History month! My school put up a bulletin board, just like they did last year.
          I've come full circle, haven't I? Last yeat, I saw the bulletin board and panicked, because I was having the most dramatic sexuality crisis ever, complete with internalized homophobia, courtesy of my parents. But last year, that board gave me hope, gave me a way to be okay with who I was.
          Now, I smile when I walk past it.


Alright, so today (9/20) marks the day that I've started co-writing for the first time!
          And it happened in such an UNHINGED way-
          So, you know the Greek tragedy Oedipus (prequel to Antigone)? If not, I don't think you have to for this, but it's a good story.
          So, my kinda-friend (we barely talk and have bonded over procrastination and a shared sense of introvertism- Is that even a word?-so we barely have an idea of friendships work) kept calling Thebes 'The Sheep Kingdom' and then the conversation devolved into making a logical version of Oedipus. During our Table Tennis club.
          It ended up more funny than logical, but we had fun.
          And then we decided to create a tale for the ages by putting together 'The Hunger Games' and the short stories 'A Rose For Emily' and 'The Lottery'.
          So, we outlined it, I got her chat, and we made a docs.
          We'll have to write something substantial and not in bullet points and I have to explain to her what Wattpad and AO3 are, but there might be a chance that I could get it on here.