
Hello everyone! Long time no posts! I know I seem to disappear a lot. Well, lately I haven't really been in the mood to write, i'm not really sure why. Now, I'm ready to get back to writing. So I thought for my first project I would tie up all loose ends. I want to start by finishing the two stories I have left to finish. "My life with a family of supernatural creatures." and "How did this happen a twilight fanfic." With the later of the two I want to edit it and re-post the story once it's done. The other story will go chapter by chapter till it's done. I want to finish both stories by the end of September and then start some of my new Ideas. Let me know your thoughts and opinions on my two stories that I will finish. Hopefully I will be posting a lot more now and won't just disappear for a year with no word of whats going on. Trust me, I don't want to disappoint anyone and I don't want to leave any story unfinished.


Hello everyone! Long time no posts! I know I seem to disappear a lot. Well, lately I haven't really been in the mood to write, i'm not really sure why. Now, I'm ready to get back to writing. So I thought for my first project I would tie up all loose ends. I want to start by finishing the two stories I have left to finish. "My life with a family of supernatural creatures." and "How did this happen a twilight fanfic." With the later of the two I want to edit it and re-post the story once it's done. The other story will go chapter by chapter till it's done. I want to finish both stories by the end of September and then start some of my new Ideas. Let me know your thoughts and opinions on my two stories that I will finish. Hopefully I will be posting a lot more now and won't just disappear for a year with no word of whats going on. Trust me, I don't want to disappoint anyone and I don't want to leave any story unfinished.


Hey guess what guys I'm alive!!!!!!! Ok so since I am now back and will NEVER leave you guys again I would like to say..... a million times I am so Sorry for leaving especially with some of my books left at a cliff hanger. So I guess you would like some sort of explanation but I don't really have one I wish I could give one but I really don't have a good reason for leaving. So I would like you to know that I will try and wrap up the stories I have started here by the end of October then by my 18th birthday (November 4th) started a new story..... hopefully. Anyway I just need to know what the first story you would like me to finish is....... If you have any just let me know. I'll start those next week sometime as I have several stories I need to catch up on, on here. So just let me know if I should finish any of my stories, In what order I should finish, and which ones you think I should just be done with or have deleted off my page. That's all and please be patient with me as I try and wrap up everything so we can start new. 
          P.S I just thought Everyone should know that as of August 27th I will be a high school senior graduation at the beginning of June. Be exicted with me everyone. That's all for real this time. 


Ok since no one answered my questions from before i figured i'd go ahead with the story so I hope ya'll like it the sequel for "A cullens new arrival" Is going to be out on friday april 22 2011 that is the official release date no changes will be made this time I promise. It will be titled "life with a family of vampires" so keep a look out if you have any better titles let me know. keep a look out for the story and new characters to go along with it I think the prologue will be in Bella's POV and the 1st chapter will be in Elizabeths POV so once again Friday the first chapter hope you enjoy it when it comes out. :) 


ok... I have a question for ya. Should the sequeal to the cullens new arrival be in one pov? or multiple pov's? And if you say one which of the 4 cullen kids should the pov be in Erin, Elizabeth, Jalice or Asper? ok be sure to let me know your opinion on this I need to know ASAP so I can get the 1st chapter out.