I read a post on reddit where a girl had a guy friend. They became friends because of shared struggles and traumas. They kinda understood each other because they were in similar circumstances. Years later, she finds out that the guy is super rich and he still was having those struggles about what to do in life, how to manage things Yada Yada. That girl started feeling detached and unrelatable and felt that he had a victim complex because despite being offered help from influential ppl he chose to suffer.
The comments were saying like OP you're the bad person. Rich ppl also hv struggles. Maybe he's lonely cuz he's rich n no one empathize with him...
But the girl's point was how can I feel relatable to you when here I am struggling in my life financially. I have no support. I had to build it all from scratch and I'm still hustling while u choose to not take help when offered.
The girl was bashed in comments but I didn't really find anything wrong with her. It's just her friendship with guy was trauma bonding. And it happens. When one out of the two grows up and when the shared misery is no longer there you drift apart. We make friends with ppl on shared interests and compatibility. When there's no more equal ground, when you're struggling from something that is served on a platter to your friend, the relationship is bound to suffer.
Even with your school friends. You'd notice if they choose a different stream or different life, the friendship would be there but you both wud slowly drift apart. They'd be having different challenges, people to meet, mindset etc than u. That is how it goes. It's not you being a bad friend it's just there's no more commonality bw u too