
I gonna be free soon I be out of residential I'm able to type cause I have my mom's phone as well as I'm in the hospital I ALSO GOT FREEDOM FOOD I BE BACK SOON MY FRIENDS IM ALSO GOT LABELDD HORUSE GIRL, SPIRIT GIRL, AND ANIME GIRL SO YA SEE YOU SOON YALL PS BEWARE OF THE CHOLOS


I gonna be free soon I be out of residential I'm able to type cause I have my mom's phone as well as I'm in the hospital I ALSO GOT FREEDOM FOOD I BE BACK SOON MY FRIENDS IM ALSO GOT LABELDD HORUSE GIRL, SPIRIT GIRL, AND ANIME GIRL SO YA SEE YOU SOON YALL PS BEWARE OF THE CHOLOS


Dose anyone want a dog cause mine need to go he just stood on my screen and deleted my favorite game and now all the progress I had is gone


@Minty2BubbleGum I am going to do it over because I find doing it a second time you get better stuff I’m still mad though 


@Idiotwhotalkstoomuch my cousin destroyed mine he  wouldn’t stop when I asked


@Sparklybull101 you are right he is very smart he has turned it off more than once when he wants attention 