
revisiting this account once more for an important announcement.
          	i want to take a moment to apologize for all of the inaccuracy in my writing. i romanticized and glorified ideas of mental health, gender identity, sexuality, and complex life as a whole. i was young and thought i understood how everything works. looking back, i realize that was silly of me. it was irresponsible of me to make claims surrounding subject matter i didn't know or understand well.
          	i didn't have experience with many of the things i wrote about. so i'm very sorry. and i'm sorry if any of my writing has been triggering or offensive to anyone. unfortunately i can't change the past, but i can do my part to try and make the present a little more bearable.
          	if you come across this account at some point, and you happen to write to any capacity, i urge you to take the time and educate yourself before you write. consider who will be reading your content. research. learn. familiarize yourself with the subject you're dealing with. don't jump into a story blindly - you never know who will read your content, what they've been through, or what their experiences are.
          	(side note? this applies to more than just fanfic writing. educate yourselves about the world, please. especially now. learn how things work, and learn to love - love what you do, who you are, and the people around you. take the time to LEARN and LOVE.)
          	it's a scary world out there. take care of yourselves. we'll get through this.
          	lots of love to you all <3
          	~ kay


revisiting this account once more for an important announcement.
          i want to take a moment to apologize for all of the inaccuracy in my writing. i romanticized and glorified ideas of mental health, gender identity, sexuality, and complex life as a whole. i was young and thought i understood how everything works. looking back, i realize that was silly of me. it was irresponsible of me to make claims surrounding subject matter i didn't know or understand well.
          i didn't have experience with many of the things i wrote about. so i'm very sorry. and i'm sorry if any of my writing has been triggering or offensive to anyone. unfortunately i can't change the past, but i can do my part to try and make the present a little more bearable.
          if you come across this account at some point, and you happen to write to any capacity, i urge you to take the time and educate yourself before you write. consider who will be reading your content. research. learn. familiarize yourself with the subject you're dealing with. don't jump into a story blindly - you never know who will read your content, what they've been through, or what their experiences are.
          (side note? this applies to more than just fanfic writing. educate yourselves about the world, please. especially now. learn how things work, and learn to love - love what you do, who you are, and the people around you. take the time to LEARN and LOVE.)
          it's a scary world out there. take care of yourselves. we'll get through this.
          lots of love to you all <3
          ~ kay


hey, remember me?
          "kay, where have you been?? why did your account disappear?? when will you update blue paint??" yes, yes, i know. let's catch up, shall we?
          basically, some personal stuff went down. life caught up to me, and it was more than i could handle, and i deleted my account. boom. gone. three years go by, and suddenly i was curious. what did my old stories look like? why did people like reading them? was i actually good? so i revived the account, just for nostalgia's sake.
          and, well, i came to a realization:
          yes, it's true. my writing skills were far below anything i could ever want them to be. all of my stories were full of typos and loopholes and just overall mistakes. i was proud of them at a time. but looking back, i realize they weren't anything grand.
          of course, i could always go back and fix that. but, if i'm being honest here... i don't want to. i've grown so much, both as a writer and a person, and i just don't see myself keeping up with the fanfic life. so, i'm (officially!!) taking my leave.
          this account might stay open. it might not. we'll see, won't we? for now, you can always look back on what once was.
          it was fun while it lasted, i won't lie. there will always be a special place in my heart for this site, the people i met, and the stories we all shared. 
          i wish everyone the best in their paths of life. lots of love to you all.
          - kay ^-^




Happy birthday to you
            Happy birthday to you
            Happy birthday dear Kay
            Happy birthday to you!
            Love you baby! 


happy birthday


          it's hurricane day.
          we've evacuated, and now we just wait. 
          sorry if i'm not too active, we have to use our electronics very scarcely, in case we lose power.
          i love you all very much. 
          see you in a while.


Please please please stay safe


@TwinkleDodie praying for you. Itll be okay. I promise