
Fly High King,
          	You will be remembered always.
          	Techno, my man is a great man.
          	I've been growing up watching him till now. From a small content creator to a famous one. I've always look up to him.
          	I'm shocked still when I heard the news about him gone from my brother. When I was checked Twitter about what's going on, I'm not believing what I saw. There is a trending about Techno.
          	I'm so grateful to know him.
          	Thank you man for giving your all for us and for yourself.
          	You never lose your battle even in this one.
          	He is our Favorites.
          	He is our Hero.
          	He is our Blood God.
          	He is our Legend.
          	He is our King.
          	He is Technoblade.
          	Rest well Technoblade, your legacy will always lives on.


Fly High King,
          You will be remembered always.
          Techno, my man is a great man.
          I've been growing up watching him till now. From a small content creator to a famous one. I've always look up to him.
          I'm shocked still when I heard the news about him gone from my brother. When I was checked Twitter about what's going on, I'm not believing what I saw. There is a trending about Techno.
          I'm so grateful to know him.
          Thank you man for giving your all for us and for yourself.
          You never lose your battle even in this one.
          He is our Favorites.
          He is our Hero.
          He is our Blood God.
          He is our Legend.
          He is our King.
          He is Technoblade.
          Rest well Technoblade, your legacy will always lives on.


៸៸ Hii, Sweetie!! ♡
          ᝰ ❛Terima kasih sudah mampir
                 ke ceritaku!
          ᝰ ❛Juga meninggalkan jejak
                 di sana!
          ᝰ ❛Hope you are in a good
                 condition today (*´˘`*)♡


@ BadassMochi  macama zeyenk(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
            Ku suka bet buku2 mu aaaaaa( ≧Д≦)
            Semangat terus dalam menjalankan hobi mu di Dunia Oren ini ya zeyenk, semoga lekas sehat selalu dan jangan lupa banyak minum ya biar ga kemarau tenggorokan nya wkwkwk


Permisi ya, numpang promo ^ω^
          Kalo ada waktu mampir ya (´▽`)
          Pada zaman ini, kehidupan manusia berubah drastis ketika dunia menyatakan Warrior berhenti digunakan sebagai alat berperang dan diubah menjadi olahraga.
          Warrior menjadi cabang olahraga yang sangat digemari, mulai dari kalangan muda dan dewasa. Mereka berlomba untuk merebutkan gelar tertinggi dari Warrior yaitu The High Table.
          Seorang pemuda bernama Muzzy terlahir dengan keunikan warriornya yang amat langka. Sejak kecil dia selalu bermimpi bisa menjadi salah satu dari Warrior yang bisa mencapai The High Table.
          Bagaimana petualangan Muzzy untuk menjadi seorang Warrior yang hebat? 

          Mampir ya! Jangan lupa kasih vote dan komentar, makasih banyak ^ω^


Hai kakak! 
          Aku bakal seneng banget kalau kakak bisa luangin waktu untuk membaca salah satu karya ku. 
          Judul: Warm Embers 
          Chara: Rengoku Kyojuro 
          Anime: Kimetau No Yaiba. 

          Jangan lupa tinggalkan jejak ya kakak! 
          Terima kasih banyak. 


@ Agathfsz01  tenang pasti dibaca hehe//apalagi ada husbando ku babang kyo~~//