OK UPDATE ON MY (practice) TEST!! I got at least an 85% on it which is REALLY good considering I had barely studied since i got distracted by Miraculous Ladybug..... but WHAAAATEVER. I'm actually really concerned for one of my friends though, because she got a 43%...... and i've been trying to help her study because according to google, "In New York State, students must earn 44 credits and pass five Regents exams with a score of at least 65 to graduate. Each semester-long course is worth one credit. An advanced Regents diploma lets students show additional skills in math, science, and languages other than English" which means she like.. NEEDS to pass this.. especially since it's actually one of the easiest regents ... but anyways. I keep trying to help her study and teach her the topics because i don't want her to have to do summer school, and she just keeps pushing it off and watching tiktok... I stole her phone today and looked at her screen time on tiktok bc she got a notification of it.... ELEVEN HOURS. IN A SINGLE DAY. ELEVEN. WHOLE. HOURS. and i actually am positive that she is going to fail and it makes me so upset that i can't help her, because she wont let me help her