Okay. Update. I think all you recruits are awesome. I love reading all your comments.
I really hope to have SOMETHING for Unlikely Love before Saturday. Even if it's a filler chapter from one of the other guys POV.
Also, I just started a book called Moving On that is a TrueLox ship. I kinda hope to get something out for that too even though I updatef it last week.
Last, but not lest, I started a book of YouTuber one shots. For info on sending me ships that you want me to write, check out the first part. I'm working a Merome story right now for it. No you can't have any spoilers. No. No. No spoilers for you.
Anyways, I hope you recruits have a great day/ night or whenever your reading this. *SLURP* Love you long time. Talk to you recruits later. BAI DOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS!!!!