
Hey everyone it's Lizzi and Tori! We're actually not dead, we've just been preoccupied with school and our other stories, but we've been working on each of our Wishes and hopefully we'll be able to post something soon:))))


Yay!! Okay! :D


Over 2,500 reads on my WDCT?!?!?! Whoa! Thanks so much for all the reads everyone! I know it's been a long time since I've updated, but have no fear, I'm almost done editing!
          ~ Katsumi xx


Sneak peek to my revised WDCT:
               Suddenly a third person steps in, a tall women with fiery orange and red hair and narrow yellow eyes, she kind of reminds me of flame princess from Adventure Time.
               She dishes us a closed-eye grin, "Good morning children! I'm Noriko, your new sensei." She states just as another boy walks in, he has pure white hair just the style and length of Suigetsu's, and tan eyes that seem to glow. His white outfit and  pale skin (Sasuke pale, not Sai pale) help with his purity look.
               "Alright crew! Everyone's here!" She points out, clearly excited, "Shall we head out? I have something to show you three."
               "Whatever." Yori mumbles jumping down from the desk.
               "Y-Yes Noriko sensei." I try to smile despite wanting to severally hurt Yori right now.
               "Ye-es Kasai sen-sen-sei." Tan eyes says giving her a half bow. What's happening with his voice..? I choose to ignore it and smile at what he called her, fire sensei.
          Hope you enjoyed the little sneak peek :)))
          ~ Katsumi (VAngel11)


((Sounds awesome!! Can't wait))


RE-POST AND ADD YOUR NAME BELOW; LET'S START A CHAIN REACTION TO STOP BULLYING; Katie ♥ Stephanie ♥ Lama ♥ Mary ♥ Flora ♥ April ♥ Niah ♥ Livveh ♥ Ledia ♥ Karen ♥ Kaytlynn ♥ Niichan ♥ Jonathan ♥ josh ♥ Jeremiah ♥ Masin ♥ Laken ♥ Zayden ♥ Jaayden ♥ Myles ♥ Kaleigh&Allison ♥ Bryson. ♥ Cassidy ♥ Alexis ♥ Juliet ♥ Nicholas ♥ Skyler ♥ Spyrit ♥ Masin ♥ Savanna ♥ Jonathon ♥ Ryan ♥ Sean ♥ Jewl ♥ Jaeden ♥ P ...eyton ♥ Tia ♥ Josalyn ♥ Kellie ♥ Lulu ♥ Nicole ♥ Shaela ♥ Shane ♥Anthony ♥ Fyre ♥ Shane ♥ Anthony ♥ Fyre ♥ Willow ♥ Bailey ♥ Kevin ♥ Kyra ♥ Aly ♥ Alexa ♥ Reanna ♥ Aveline ♥ Jacob ♥ John ♥ Brooke ♥ Matt ♥ Ellen♥ Jenna ♥ Shannon ♥ bonquisha ♥ Kay ♥ Hannah ♥ Rachel ♥ Drew ♥ Amie ♥ Natalia ♥ Elinor ♥ Brenna ♥ Bella ♥ Dana ♥ Corey ♥ Sophie ♥ Harley ♥ Stevie ♥ Tekaani ♥ Deevs ♥ Renee ♥ Shoni ♥ Chantelle ♥ Kristen ♥ Mangu Trenyo ♥ Annalea ♥ Saige ♥ Jaelen ♥ Vana Banana! ♥ Amo♥ Liam ♥ Tyrin ♥ Khalais ♥ Olivia ♥ Latu ♥ Roger ♥ Tiere ♥ Jose ♥ Ani ♥ kYkYBOYmEkIi ♥ Nayaah ♥ Cheyanne ♥ Jonathon ♥ Amy ♥ Tayla ♥ Alisa ♥ Hannah ♥ Morgs g ♥ Karl ♥ Hunter ♥ Louise ♥ Kelsea ♥ Alesha ♥ JV ♥ Chiina ♥Zariah♥ Cari ♥ Tracy ♥Chresanto♥ Zonnique ♥ Selaysha♥ Chrisbrownfp♥Dreyaa♥OmgGirlzfp♥Afiya ♥Sarah♥jenika♥ Nel-nel ♥ MyMy♥ Seline♥ Candice♥ Jercia ♥ Felicia ♥Precious ♥Teesha ♥ Arianna ♥ ^_^ Sachin ♥ Hemmy ♥Vee Nayy Shree ♥ Zakiyyah ♥ Xharia ♥ Mary Ann ♥Connor ♥ Jessica. ♥ Katie ♥ :{D FRED! ♥ Ally ♥ Anna ♥ Kaylee ♥ brandon ♥ Jessica ♥ Julia ♥ that_werid_girl ♥ Annabelle ♥ Mary! ♥ Voldemort ♥ Rose!♥ rain_blu13 ♥Nadz (Hope)♥ Sam or temporal♥ Frozen_Love (Frozen)♥ Mimi~(Mariah)♥ Ree-Ree~(Reegan)♥XenaUnknown♥Bloody_Mary_♥Miss_Creator♥ Tori and Lizzi♥


OH MY GOSH! Guys, I just thought of such a good plot twist for WDCT! I'm so excited for this idea! It's going to be awesome and I'm sure you're gonna hate it! Muahaha! Sorry guys, you're probably all gonna hate me after this, but it's gonna make plot so much better! >:D
          ~ Katsumi xx


Over 2,000 reads!!! :D Oh my gosh! Thank you all sooo much for the reads on my story! It means so much :))) I seriously love U guys so much! And by the way, I'm not just being a lazy bum, and I know I haven't uploaded in a really, r e a l l y long time, but after reading over my WDCT, I've decided to redo it, so I'm currently in editing :))) 
          Stay αмαẕїηℊ!!! ;)
          ~ Katsumi B. <3 <3 <3 (VAngel11)