
My school report is going to be terrible but my mom has bad memory so parents evening might save me chile-


I was savedddaa


Oof wishing you well love:) ahahaha


this message may be offensive
via. @bonjouranxiety
          "if you accepted mattias apology or his confession or whatever the fuck, pls unfollow me. it’s ridiculous that every chance he gets he finds a way to fuck it up, whether it’s making jokes about rape victims, using lgbtq+ slurs, bashing minorities, or mocking asians and black people. it’s a never ending cycle and y’all are letting it happen by accepting that fuck ass apology, convincing him that no matter what he does he’ll always have people at his feet without suffering the consequences."
          cause yeah ❤ what she said ✨


this message may be offensive
dear people coming from tiktok,
          can you please not bring your toxicity from tik tok here. if you saw one of our stories from tiktok and you don't like it, that's fine but DO NOT come on our stories and hate. 
          what alot of you don't take into account is that majority of this app is TEENAGERS writing fanfiction. we're not 25 year old adults and shit we're 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 year olds sitting behind a screen writing stories. 
          there are many reasons that we come onto this app.
          1. to get away from the world. the world as we know it is literally falling apart. someone people live in toxic households and wp is a safe place for them to go.
          2. to express themselves. maybe they live where they can't be themselves but here, online, we can be ourselves ... hell we can be anyone.
          3. to have somewhere to go when you're looking for a good laugh or a good cry. 
          there are plenty of other reasons but for some of you to come on here and hate on some of these stories and the authors behind these accounts, you're a coward and a terrible person.
          a lot of the teenagers and maybe the adults on here suffer from anxiety and depression and other mental disabilities or illnesses that they use wp to not necessarily get rid of them but to help ease that terrible feelings and when you all bring that toxic mess here, it doesn't help.
          saying all this to say, be nice to us if you come from tiktok or any other platforms. we have feelings and hearts and we're normal people as well. 
          sincerely , wattpad authors ✨