
After reading many good books by many talented Arthur I have decided to try and write my own book it’s a concept I’ve had in my head for awhile and have decided to put my ideas down so I’m publishing the first part of it which is the characters and a lil bit of their backstory to see how well it does so I can see how far I can go with this story☺️


After reading many good books by many talented Arthur I have decided to try and write my own book it’s a concept I’ve had in my head for awhile and have decided to put my ideas down so I’m publishing the first part of it which is the characters and a lil bit of their backstory to see how well it does so I can see how far I can go with this story☺️


I want someone to make a Dolan twins with young boy and tayk like Kentrell and Taymor are both intersex and best friends then they get two new boys at their with is Ethan and Grayson so it’ll be
          Taymor & Ethan , Kentrell & Grayson


@boujeeheauxx I want to but I’m kinda scared idk how it’s gone come out cause I mean it do seem fun to write cause I loved writing when I was younger I used to show my stories to my English teachers all the time but ima try to write it I’m still kinda scared tho 


I want too but I’m kinda scared idk how it’s gonna come out I mean I’ve written little stories and stuff like that when I was younger like 10 or 12  but I’m kinda scared too now 