
Shadow has been updated so there are no spelling/grammar errors. Please enjoy the prologue.


My novel, Shadow will be releasing May 13th! I'll leave all the information for you guys! The Prologue will also be available for anyone to read on wattpad!
          Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34215534-shadow
          Pre-Order Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/Shadow-L-Shine-ebook/dp/B06XYTZB3H/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1493688053&sr=8-2&keywords=l+a+shine
          To Pre-Order a physical and/or signed copy email: Thelashine@gmail.com


So I don't know how many of you read these updates, I know when Aqua Jackson used to update there were so many of you that ran to read the newest chapter and put up with me while I took forever to update and normally you guys would get really short chapters if I was in a rush and had to do homework. 
          I know a lot of you are sad that its ended and I actually still get notifications to this day of people asking me to continue the story but unfortunately Id want to rewrite the entire thing I started it when I was 11, Im 18 and I have a lot more priorities now but I would like to answer some unanswered questions for you guys.
          What were the books based on? So first of Book 1 was based off the book, book two was kinda mixed between the two and towards the end it really just had the world and characters.
          How many books did you intend? Originally 5 like the series one for each book plus maybe one or two more which will be explained in the next question, but I rushed into it and skipped pretty far ahead toward the end of book 2
          Where did I intend to go if I was to finish the story? I actually skipped far ahead in book 2 I intended on (SPOILERS TO THE LAST OLYMPIAN) having Luke to be reincarnated and become friends with his son then later he would be able to return to who he once was with all his past memories if the Demi-Gods did the ritual right.
          Those are all I can think of that you guys would like answered right now if your curious as to anything else feel free to ask.