You know something drives me crazy in a book. . . Something that is like absolutely brain-melting aweful that I see reoccur entirely to often.
I'm just reading along in a book with some kick-ass female protagonist and out of the blue and with no plot related reasoning, logical necessity, or even meaningful creativity BOOM there's some sudden reason for her to go buy a dress, and for some unexplained reason, I have to get dragged along to sit through the tedious torture of reading about her trying on dresses to find "the one", then picking out the perfect matching shoes, then makeup and hair and nails.
And this whole time the protagonist has to "put up" with their ostensibly more into it and girly friend who is dragging them along on this shopping trip.
And all I want to do is shoot every character in the scene just to make the whole painful experience end, or tear out the stupid chapter and pretend it doesn't exsist because it makes me hate with all my heart an otherwise wonderful book and almost stop reading in protest of the disgustingly tedious, boring, mind-numbing, and utterly cliché scene, that so obviously has no reason exist outside of allowing the author to describe, in sometimes painful detail, the extravegant dresses that they have been idly scrolling through, in the their spare time, on google images or pintrest or whatever.
Honestly is it just because I'm not so much of a girly type that these scenes so utterly ruin a book for me?
Does anyone else notice this happen and feel the same soul-crushing hatred for this clichéd scene as me?
Or am I truly as alone as I feel in this distaste?