
my followers. Thank you so much for all the love and appreciation. I admit I kinda ran out of inspiration/motivation to keep on my Ino/Aoi story BUT I got another wave of inspiration. I'm about half way done with writing the next part and I really hope everything will be edited and ready to post by this coming saturday or sunday!! thank you so much for all the likes/comments/ and adding to reading lists!


@TylerJ18 So excited!! Can’t wait to read!!


Hey old friend! Long time no talk! Hope all is well!
          Don’t know if ur still on here but still wanted to check in and say hey!
          Was literally rereading some of my old but still favorites fanfics and just got done rereading ino/aoi forming bonds. It never gets old for me. They’re still my favorite ship!
          Cant believe we just finished season 4 of demon slayer and now we’re at the big finale!! So excited for the trilogy!!
          Anyways hope life’s been good and take care!!


my followers. Thank you so much for all the love and appreciation. I admit I kinda ran out of inspiration/motivation to keep on my Ino/Aoi story BUT I got another wave of inspiration. I'm about half way done with writing the next part and I really hope everything will be edited and ready to post by this coming saturday or sunday!! thank you so much for all the likes/comments/ and adding to reading lists!


@TylerJ18 So excited!! Can’t wait to read!!


Hey friend! Hope all is well! Just wanted to say hey and check in to see how u we’re doing
          I literally was just thinking about u and ur fanfic the other day and figured I’d reach out
          I’ve literally lost count on how many times I reread ur forming bonds fanfic lol and literary cannot wait to read the next upcoming chapter but I know it takes time
          I just wanted to let u know there’s no rush! I understand it takes a lot of work and motivation to write (that’s why I don’t do and plus, I don’t have the time or talent to do so lol) so please take all the time u need! We’ll be here waiting for whenever u get a chance to post. 
          Take care and hope ur enjoying season 3 of demon slayer!!!


Season three has been so cool. 
            I have about 6,000 words written for the next part, just finishing up and trying to figure out how to get the group to the next entertainment district arc without it being like forced. 
            Slowly being chipped away at lol. Thank you jessy! My goal is to have it all cleaned up, edited, and posted by Sunday!  


Hey dude are you uploading anytime soon? I'm rlly excited for the next chapter on the inoaoi book. If your still uploading ofc. If not I'll just reread the book over and over again 


Oh yeah. I been slowly, slowly working on it. Been hard to find the time and motivation to work on it lol. Sometimes I’ll have the time but not the energy to write other times I have the motivation to work but the time  


Yo I just read the recent chapter in your inoaoi story, just wanted to say to keep up the amazing work and that I'll wait patiently for the next chapter to be uploaded! 


Keep up the good work though ☺️


Thank you! I recently came back to it after like a year of 6th part sitting in a draft. 
            Part 7 is up 