
Hey hey everyone! I know that there was a delay that happened with the story ANFOT, but fear not anymore and I apologize for the delays, but CHAPTER 3 BEEN DROPPED! It was supposed to be dropped last night, but I was too sleepy for it. As you guys know, if there are any typos or mistakes made, let me know ASAP and I will fix them. Chapter 4 will be dropped soon. Maybe in a month or 2? Maybe even earlier than that. Enjoy the new chapter and I hope you all like it!


Hey hey everyone! I know that there was a delay that happened with the story ANFOT, but fear not anymore and I apologize for the delays, but CHAPTER 3 BEEN DROPPED! It was supposed to be dropped last night, but I was too sleepy for it. As you guys know, if there are any typos or mistakes made, let me know ASAP and I will fix them. Chapter 4 will be dropped soon. Maybe in a month or 2? Maybe even earlier than that. Enjoy the new chapter and I hope you all like it!


Looking at these, I might as well say it. Yes, I redid my account theme, but I am not here to talk about that. I am here to talk about the one thing that I have been doing lately, which was well you guessed it! REWORKING AND CONTINUING THE STORY A NIGHT FULL OF TRINITIES (ANFOT)! ITS BEEN A WHOLE YEAR OR 2 SINCE THE STORY HAVE BEEN DISCONTINUED, BUT HERE I AM, ADDING AND DOING MORE STUFF WITH THE STORY ITSELF! Many people love the story so might as well keep it up and going. I know the story had up to 6 chapters, but something happened and messed up the story while also the stories being wayy too short, didn't really had a flow going on and many other things. The original chapters for ANFOT remain hidden until they are worked onto with changes and a better flow with grammar/dialogue changes as well. There is a lot happening with the story, but i can say some of it from the top of my head. 
          -Prologue remains untouched (Solid
          -Chapter 1 Remains Untouched. Good as is. Been proofread at yet again for typos and slight grammar changes.
          -Chapter 2 had a couple dialogue changes. More content was added there as well. Titles was renamed
          -Chapter 2 PT2 is NOW chapter 3, which is currently being worked on now actually. 
          -Changed the cover of the story (Cover by BenSayOofers)
          -Grammar/dialogue changes in some parts of the chapters. 
          That might be it for now, but there is more happening with the story. If you ask when is chapter 3 going to drop? It might be next week depending on how "focused" I am. Other than that, A Night Full Of Trinities will still be continued and relooked at for grammar changes and typos! If any typos spotted, let me know ASAP! Thankss!!


BOOM! What's up everyone! Your Typical Bennzy here, letting you guys know that CHAPTER 2 JUST DROPPED FOR A NIGHT FULL OF TRINITIES AT 12:21AM! If you guys love the story, go check it out! Be sure to check out chapter 2 as well. If you guys see anything wrong with the story, Let me know ASAP!!!
          a few seconds ago