
Update and revising The Pink Bicycle. Only 5 chapters out now and drafted the rest while I work through it again. Some small changes were made and some are bigger I really like the story so want to work on making it better now that I'm older lol just can't seem to let them go. Let me know your thoughts!


Update and revising The Pink Bicycle. Only 5 chapters out now and drafted the rest while I work through it again. Some small changes were made and some are bigger I really like the story so want to work on making it better now that I'm older lol just can't seem to let them go. Let me know your thoughts!


I know it's late (Right now it's like 11:30PM in Cali not super late but you know late) I just needed to apologize for the lack of updates. My computer at the moment is being incredibly stupid and it's making it impossible to write anything:/ once I get it back to normal I'll update. I also have a few new stories I'd like to share;) anyways see you beautiful people!! 
          ( This took me like 3 times to type this since every time I wanted to post it it wouldn't let me. It better work this time-.-)


Sorry if I lang on posting stories. Sometimes I need them to be where I want them to be or I'm to busy to write at all. I promise I'll update The Pink Bicycle soon. I've also had idea fly through my head and so I've been busy with those to. Be expecting stories in the future ;) Anyways... Happy Valentine's Day!!!


Happy Valentine's Day!!!! To all those couples and all those single people remember: chocolate is at a discount price today and tomorrow! 
          Also Happy Birthday to all those with birthdays today because I know like 5 people who have birthdays today :) 
          Hope you all have a great day and a fun one filled with joy and love♡