
@hiccup *cough* No reflection??? Yikes!! *Freak**cough* :P:P 
          	Yeah....either extreme makes it awful to work :P Or sometimes just being lazy makes it just impossible to work =D 
          	I hate last minute cancellations....especially after you've neatly made time to go ''hang out'' and have a great time!
          	So when's your next award-winning book coming out next? 


@hiccup *cough* No reflection??? Yikes!! *Freak**cough* :P:P 
          Yeah....either extreme makes it awful to work :P Or sometimes just being lazy makes it just impossible to work =D 
          I hate last minute cancellations....especially after you've neatly made time to go ''hang out'' and have a great time!
          So when's your next award-winning book coming out next? 


@hiccup Ah....didn't I tell you that you would know the girl I'm talking about? Look in the mirror ;) Who do you see? =D
          Ummm.....gosh, house chores after alot of good food is just nasty. Did you manage to get it done? Got juthia? :P It's awful when you decide not to do something because something put you off mood and then you're forced to do it anyway when you've lost the excitement? Yeah...I've been there too =) I ended up mopping pretty much the whole house that night.....anyways, the plan was cancelled, so I didn't really miss out on anything =) 
          Take your time with the reply, if you must...just don't get hurt in the process :P I wish you all the luck you could possibly need to get everything sorted out =D Take care theb.......hope that injury's doing alot better =) Mine got better after making some cabinets from Ikea.....I know, weird workout....but it's good physiotherapy :P