
Am I going to go another 4 weeks without updates? Maybe.  :|
          	Worry not for I have not forgotten!  Just super behind and unsure of the turn I'm taking and want to make sure I give you all a worth while chapter!


Can't wait to finish Garenger Manor so I can get back to Forest Hollows, so I can finish that in due time and focus on a huge revamp/edit and abridge it X_X
          (That, or just turn Forest Hollows into a 3 part series cause it sure is long enough, both now and in my head, to do that!)


Not even CLOSE to finishing my NaNo in time, too many days got away from me and I'm 25k words in, oh well... I do plan on at least finishing the story up and keep posting it though, hopefully finish by the end of December.


Thanksgiving is around the corner, a time of food, family, and needless stampedes in the mall parking lots.  What this means is it is also going to be a very busy time for me, namely I am getting ready to go to an event in AZ this weekend, and right after I get back I'll be doing Thanksgiving for my extended family, and because of all of that my writing will be slowed down drastically.  Also, shortly after all of that that I am due at some point to travel and visit family for up to two weeks and help care for my mother.
          So there is going to be some drops in updates.  I hope to keep up with my NaNo story, which is just about to get into some of the tension one would hope for in a ghost story, but time restraints and internet may keep me from making posts live at any sort of regular time and I apologize for that and also use this as a bridge to talk about Patreon.
          I'm not looking to take people away from Wattpad, and I'm not trying to ask for money, but Patreon has the options that let me queue up chapters to be automatically posted, where Wattpad doesn't have that yet, so while I am away I want to just put it out there that if you want to keep current to the rest of the public world, go ahead on over and follow my Patreon to see the updates when I may not be able to update here.  Other wise, if you are willing to wait and get a Christmas surprise of 6 or so chapters shared between Forest Hollows and Garenger Manor, then that's fine!  I just want to let you lovely and faithful people know :D
          So happy Thanksgiving to you all!  I hope you have a very happy time with family and friends this season!  And happy reading!
          ~Cassie, aka K.J.Carter


Been a while since I updated this!  It's November!  Meaning NaNoWriMo!  And what subject did I pick this year?  Ghosts!  Let's see just how spooooooky I can write :D (And if I can finish it...)
          Regular updates for Forest Hollows will still continue as I have a backlog of chapters all ready.  Also, as a general notice, if you are coming here and find yourself really enjoying what you are reading and would like to show a little support, you can become a Patron for as little as $1.  All Patrons get early access to chapters before wattpad.  Just something to think about but not required, you will still get to read everything I write for free :)


Hey guys!  Tonight I have just posted a glossary chapter in Forest Hollows, it is a list of names and things mentioned throughout the story and is intended to serve as an aid in understanding the world I am creating.  It is for sure far from complete and will be added upon over time, but I hope it helps :)


First in November my netbook died of old age and I loved that thing so much, hundrids of thousands of words were typed up on that little thing. I was planning on replacing it. Now this week my main workhorse of a computer is down for the count, and without work till its fixed  leaving me with just an 8in tablet and a BT keyboard to keep me entertained. It works. Not perfect, but atleast I can write during this storm and already have a rough draft of chapter 14 done!  Alas spellchecking is quite limited so we'll see how nice that looks once I get it posted in a week or so :p And in other news the offical title for my fantasy story is decided on! Hope you all are enjoying The Forest Hollows of Joredare!